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Parent and Student Information

The Resource Room staff provides specialized assistance for children in grades kindergarten through fifth who have been formally identified as having a specific learning difficulty. To be eligible, students must be referred, tested, and qualified based on current Washington State Law.

LAP (Learning Assistance Program) is a state-funded program which provides specialized academic assistance for students in targeted grades who are having academic difficulty in the regular classroom. Students qualify based on their academic performance.

The Mead Multilingual Program’s priority is to assure equity and excellence in education, promoting high-quality instruction and meaningful school engagement for Multilingual Students (MLs).  This includes incorporating and encouraging bilingualism and the unique linguistic and cultural assets of our MLs, their families, and the community they represent. 

Students with speech, language, voice and/or fluency disorders are seen by the speech therapist on a weekly basis. Students are identified for program through screening and teacher or parent referral.

Students that need assistance with fine and gross motor skills are seen by the occupational/physical therapist on a weekly basis. Students are identified for program through screening and teacher or parent referral.